Sunday, September 27, 2009

Are there other universes out there?

People live in their own world. There's so much about our own world that we just don't know. Science is such a broad entity that continues to expand as time goes on. Yet, how much more can science expand from just Earth. Outside of this world, we know of other planets, planetary systems, galaxies and a few other aspects of space that make up this interesting thing called the universe. But, what if there are eyes looking upon us as we are struggling to look upon them? What if there's a strange species examining us under a super advanced telescope while our technologies are just catching up?

There are many theorists and cosmologists who question the theory of more than one universe. One question that comes to mind is how could science ever discover another universe? According to the Space website, when the "Big Bang" happened it was said that life and everything as we know it was created out of nothing. The science of quantum mechanics, that is made of atoms, helps us discover more about the universe.

It says that matter and energy is an unpredictable event that can appear out of nowhere in the vacuum of space. Cosmologists say these quantum fluctuations are what created the "Big Bang." So there's a theory that if these fluctuations can create one universe, why can't they create another universe or more?

There is also the theory that there are multi-universes. In our solar system, every planet has their own stars. Almost every star is the center of other planetary systems. Thousands of these solar systems forms galaxies. They also have a center in which all planetary systems revolve around it. But does our universe also have a center that other universes revolve around?

There are only theories that specualte whether there is more than one universe in existance. Cosmologists are only theorizing and trying to gather enough scientific evidence to prove this theory. Yet, science is still yet to know for sure whether this universe is truly alone.

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany, pretty wild stuff. It's fun to speculate, but how will we ever know if other universes exist?
