Saturday, September 19, 2009

Best Lede of the week

I've noticed a lot of people chose this same lede this week, but I agree that it was the best. The lede from the article "Bathing, but not Alone" was very interesting. It pulled me right in. It was informational and relateable to the reader. I learned something about bacteria in my shower that I never even thought about before. The reader can learn so much in just the lede, so I believe that it's just enough to pull the reader in and maybe even finish reading the story.

Best Lede:

There are some things it is better just not to think about. Like the 10,000 bacteria you inhale with each breath in the average office building. Or the 10 million bacteria in each glass of tap water. Microbiologists have now added something else to the list of things too gross to contemplate: the deluge of bacteria that hit your face and flow deep into your lungs in the morning shower.

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