Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chapter 4 of Field Notes from a Castrophe

In this chapter, I was able to learn a lot about the effects of global warming on some animals. At first, I couldn't understand why she would start the chapter off by talking about a butterfly. But I could later understand it was because of their change in migration most likely due to global warming. I found the section on the mosquites that bite people through their eyes very interesting. It seemed like this chapter was mostly about the changes in migration patterns and even of evolution that global warming has done to certain animal like the Wyeomyia smithii.

I think Kolbert wanted wanted us to see the dramtic effects global warming is having on various species. I found the information about how global warming can have effects on evolution  very interesting, but I wasn't sure I agreed with it. It seems that global warming does have drastic effects on how many animal species live. Yet, based on what she wrote, I couldn't really understand how it could change evolution. I liked the examples she used though. I thought it brought to light the changes that global warming has done to species over the years and what it may or may not do in the future.

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